Authors : multicontributor
Editor : Tom Blass
Published by WorldECR
Date of release : December 2018
This book’s chapters are written by expert advisors in the different Member States. The guide, which will be of benefit to any person with an interest in European export controls, includes an introduction to the EU dualuse export control regime plus information and contact details for the various national regimes.
Structurally, chapters take a question-and-answer form – at, with chapter authors responding to the questions with information and contact details for the various licensing authorities.
Among the questions (with answers) are:
> What legislation, either domestic or international, governs the export of dual-use items [in your country]?
> Which authorities are responsible for legislating, enforcing and prosecuting export controls in your jurisdiction?
> What is the process for obtaining an export authorisation?
> Does the relevant regulatory authority in your jurisdiction apply export controls to any items which are not listed in the Annex to the EU Dual-Use Regulation?
> Are procedures in place by which the relevant authority is able to assist exporters to decide which authorisation to apply for? i.e. aids to facilitate the checking of goods against the EU or national control lists?
> What penalties are in place for failure to obtain the correct authorisation?
And many more…
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